Monday, March 9, 2009


I love tracking with Perry Noble's blog. Perry is the pastor of New Spring Church and this church is absolutely "blowing up" for God in a big, big way.

A few days ago Perry featured this post on his blog. It inspired me and I felt was worth passing on to you.

Some Things God Has Been Teaching Me Lately…
Perry Noble, 3.05.09

Here are some thoughts that I really feel the Lord has been pouring into me recently…

* “You have no idea how HUGE I am!”
* Right now God is at work…doing things that I am COMPLETELY unaware of…but will reap the results of when He thinks I am ready.
* Someone addicted to routine and ritual will most likely never be a change agent in His church!
* He doesn’t need me…I need Him!
* I am NOT the source of one single blessing in my life–HE IS!!!
* When HIS vision consumes me I will be both overwhelmed and overjoyed!
* When you play around with sin…there are always consequences!
* If I can accomplish “His vision” without HIS help…then it isn’t “His vision!”
* Passive husbands and fathers suck!
* He leads me step by step–NOT in three to five year plans!
* He is Sovereign and is not surprised by anything.
* God often works through the “impossible” to accomplish the “unbelievable!”
* I need to live in faith…NOT in fear!
* The key to continually taking my marriage to the next level is to stop seeking things from her and to start going all out to serve her!
* The world belongs to Him and not the stock market.
* My responsibility as a leader is to set the next generation up for success.
* So goes the leader–so goes the people.
* I need to have more fun!!!

Can’t wait to see what He says next!!!


Thanks so much for the continued inspiration, Perry. BTW, you can download Perry's messages via iTunes. Be aware: His messages will rock your world and shake up all of your little preconceived notions of the "polite Christian pastor." He is a wild man - in a good way!

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