Thursday, April 30, 2009


Okay, okay... After another week of bad news... Who knew that on top of everything else going on in our crazy world, people would be freaking out over something called the SWINE FLEW? Holy cow!

This week we're back with more of the THE BEST NEWS YOU'VE HEARD ALL WEEK. It's not just good news. It's great news... Here's the headline: YOU CAN BEGIN AGAIN! You really can!

One of the most amazing things about David is that although He was a "man after God's own heart," the guy blew it, and I mean blew it BIG TIME. He failed on a colossal scale.

But on the heels of one of the most infamous failures in his life and maybe in all of history, David experienced GRACE...extravagant grace... He got a chance to begin again... He got a clean slate and a new start...

Here's what we're talking about this Sunday: Regardless of your failures... Regardless of your mistakes... You can begin again...

Tired of all the bad news? Discover more of THE BEST NEWS YOU'VE HEARD ALL WEEK this week at a2 Church.

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