Friday, October 28, 2016

Do You Have A Growth Mindset?

Carol Dweck is a world renown Stanford University psychologist. Almost ten years ago she released an incredible, best-selling book called Mindset. In the book, Dweck compares people with a “fixed mindset” and people with “growth mindset..”

Take a moment to determine which mindset best describes you and your approach to life.
How did you do?

Here’s the great news: you can determine which mindset best describes you. Is your mindset currently “fixed”? Have you bought the line that there’s nothing you can do to grow intellectually, strengthen your character, become more creative or leverage your gifts? Ready to start embracing life’s challenges, instead of running from them? You can change your mindset! You can determine the way you’re going to approach life!

Make a decision today that you will become a person who diligently, relentlessly and continually pursues personal growth. Review the list above daily for one week. Get started now!

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