Friday, December 30, 2016

40 Days of Prayer

Sunday, January 8 — 
Sunday, February 19
a2 Church

Why 40 Days of Prayer?

In the Bible, 40 days seems to be a spiritually significant period of time.

Moses spent 40 days with God on Mount Sinai (Exodus 24:18; 34:28).

Jesus was empowered for his public ministry of teaching, miracles, deliverance and challenging the religious authorities after spending 40 days alone in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-3; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-3).

The followers of Jesus were transformed after spending 40 days with Jesus following His miraculous resurrection (Acts 1:3).

Again, forty days seems to be a spiritually significant period of time. It was for Moses, Jesus and the first century followers of Jesus.

Further, when it comes to forming a habit, conventional wisdom estimates that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. But a substantial study revealed that this only relates to very “small” or “insignificant” behavioral changes like getting into the habit of drinking a glass of water after breakfast.

The same study revealed that it takes anywhere from between 18 to 254 days for people to form a new habit — depending on the behavior or habit you want to develop.  In fact, on average, it takes more than two months — 66 days to be exact — before a new behavior becomes automatic. [1]

The purpose of beginning the year with 40 Days of Prayer is to help the friends and family members of a2 Church to establish a “habit” or “routine” of daily time with God, which includes worship, reading God’s word, prayer and listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit.

My goal is to inspire, challenge and equip every person in the greater a2 Church family to create a “habit” of spending at least 15 minutes with God every day. I know, it would be great if people spent more than 15 minutes, but small, incremental shifts can bring about great, significant changes.

Also, for many people, spending an hour or several hours with God can seem daunting and even impossible. But 15 minutes is doable. And, 15 minutes multiplied by 40 days amounts to 10 hours! Over the course of a year, this will accumulate to more than 90 hours! A small incremental shift that would lead to significant transformation!

How could this change the life and ministry of a2 Church? Imagine, 100 percent of our church family spending at least 15 minutes with God every day day? The change would be seismic.

I’ll talk about this more on Sunday, January 8 as we launch our new message series,  sHiFt and 40 Days of Prayer!

But today is a great day to begin your Bible Reading Plan for 2017! I’ve written more about that here. It’s also a great day to make a small SHIFT and establish the “habit” or routine of daily time with God.

15 minutes  a day includes time spent in worship and gratitude, time spent reading and meditating on God’s Word (use your daily Bible reading plan), and, finally, time spent listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit. This really will TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE!

Make plans today to join us for sHiFt and 40 Days of Prayer launching at a2 Church on Sunday, January 8.



The Power of Reading God’s Word

Can you believe it? Another year is almost history. A new year is about to begin!

When it comes to your pursuit of personal growth, development and transformation, will 2017 be any different than 2016?

One decision – one small decision – can radically change your life!

Why not make a decision to read the Bible daily, systematically, for an entire year?


1)    Direction and guidance.

God’s Word provides reliable direction and guidance for life.

“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”Psalm 119:105 NLT

Most of us could use some reliable direction and guidance. I’ve been amazed at how a commitment to spending time in God’s Word on a daily basis gives me the direction and guidance I need for issues that I face in life.

2)    Insight and understanding.

God’s Word contains uncanny insight and understanding when it comes to a variety of issues.

I’m regularly blown away by how God’s Word reveals issues in me that need to be dealt with, issues that have the power to sabotage my life and damage relationships.

Hebrews 4:12 says it like this: For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”

The Living Bible says, “…it exposes us for what we really are.”

Daily time in God’s Word helps me examine my heart, motives and attitudes. Are they healthy? Have I drifted into selfishness? Am I becoming the person I was created to be?

The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. 
Psalm 119:130 NIV 

3)    Strength and encouragement.

Life can wear you down. But a few minutes daily in God’s Word, restores our strength and provides perspective.

My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.
Psalm 119:28 NIV

4)    Peace

A question I regularly ask myself goes something like this: “Am I running my day or is my day running me?”

Taking 15-20 minutes first thing in the morning to read God’s Word, often gives me the peace and stability I need to tackle what could be a challenging and otherwise hectic day.

Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble. 
Psalm 119:165 NIV

NEXT QUESTION:  Have you selected a Bible Reading Plan for 2017?

Over the years I've used a variety of plans.

My favorite of these plans has been the M’Cheyne One-Year Plan. I’ve used it several times.

However, I recently ran across a new plan I’ve decided to use for 2017. It’s called the 5 Day Bible Reading Program and was developed by Bible Class Material.

You can access a free PDF of the plan here: 

You can also access an app for the "5 Day Bible Reading Program" here: 

NOTE: After accessing the app, you will need to select the "5 Day Bible Reading Program." Also, this app, simply provides a schedule and tracker for the reading plan. It doesn’t provide the actual passages.

Why am I using this plan?

1) Its Design

I like the way it's designed. Each day usually consists of 2-3 of chapters in the OT, a psalm and a chapter in the NT.

2) It's Do-able

Each day's reading only takes about 15 minutes, depending upon your reading speed. That's do-able.

Also, since it's a "5 Day Plan" there are days built in for "make up" reading, should you fall behind. You can also use those days to "take a break" from the plan in order to read the passages your small group is covering that week or for personal Bible reading and study. That’s a big help to me, especially on the weekends.

3) It even offers a study guide.

I'm not sure how much I'll be using the companion study material, but, if you want some additional insights to assist you in your understanding, Bible Class Material has developed The Reader's Companion to assist you in understanding the content you'll be covering each week.

NOTE: The companion material is NOT free. The downloadable pdf is $9.99 plus a $1 processing fee. You can access the companion material here:

So, that’s it. One small decision that could radically change your life: read your Bible.

If you're looking for a well-designed, doable plan that offers some helps, check out the 5 Day Bible Reading Program.

It's the plan I'm going with in 2017. I'm already excited about taking another journey through the Bible!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Unfortunately, the 5 Day Reading Program is NOT available as a Reading Plan via the app. However, you can still read the daily selections on the 5 Day Reading Plan by pulling the selections for that day up on YouVersion and/or BibleGateway. That's what I'll be doing..

This one small decision really could change your life!

Why not “JUMP IN” to a new Bible Reading Plan today?