Tuesday, January 3, 2017


15 Minutes That Can Change Your Life – Part 2

So, you want to spend daily time with God but you aren’t certain where to start? 

Here’s a simple plan that I found very helpful. 


Determine ahead of time when you’re going to spend time with God. I’ve mentioned this in an earlier post, but I love spending time with God first thing in the morning. I prepare for this ahead of time. 

For instance, before I go to bed, I prepare coffee for the next morning. That way, all I have to do is press “Brew Now” when I wake up. 

I usually prepare my clothes – especially if I’m going to the gym immediately afterwards. This helps keep me on track. 

I usually prepare my Bible . I love using biblegateway.com for my Bible reading. It allows me to keep four translations of the Bible open at once. There are four primary translations I regularly use: the New International Version (NIV), the New Living Translation (NLT), the English Standard Version (ESV) and The Message (MSG). I open Bible Gateway and set up my viewing window before going to bed. Here's a snapshot. 

Since I read my Bible on my computer and am probably a little ADD, I don’t want to be disturbed by email or “Messages” on my MacBook. So I close programs like Mail, Messages and any open social media accounts before going to bed.  

I leave the following items open on my computer: Bible Gateway for reading and “Microsoft Word for Mac” for journaling. Everything else is CLOSED. Why? 

I want to do away with the temptation of being distracted 
when I spend time with the Father.

I can’t imagine pulling out my phone and responding to a text message alert if I had a private meeting with the President or Bono. 

Why would I ever allow time with God to be interrupted by email or message notifications, or a thousand possible distractions that can pull me away from 
the most important 15 minutes of my day?

Furthermore, according to Charles Duhigg, in his groundbreaking book, The Power of Habit, habits are the by-product of a three-step loop. 
  • A CUE – a “trigger” that tells your brain what to do. 
This can be something as simple as preparing the coffee or your Bible reading program before you go to bed. Setting out your workout clothes and shoes the night before, etc. 
  • A ROUTINE – a physical or mental routine. 
Routines are powerful when it comes to developing good habits. That’s why when it comes to time with God the routine of a certain time, place and practice can be helpful. 
  • A REWARD – something that helps you remember WHY you are doing this in the first place. 

The goal of daily time with God is GOD!

It’s to experience God, to spend time in His presence, to get to know His heart, to become more and more like His Son, Jesus. That’s the reward! Remember it!

Set an appointment. Choose a time, location and place for spending time with God. Prepare in advance. 


Get rid of any distractions. Turn off the television. Turn off or silence your cell phone. Close Mail, Messages and any open internet windows that will cause you to drift and easily get distracted. 

Remove all the busy thoughts that clutter your mind and heart. Be still for a few moments in the presence of God. 

Be still, and know that I am God! —Psalm 46:10 NLT

Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today…” —Exodus 14:13a NLT (Cross Reference: 2 Chronicles 20:17)

Begin with WORSHIP. One of the simplest definitions for worship I’ve ran across is: “Worship is expressing your love to God.” 

Another definition reads like this: “Worship is responding to all that God is with all that I am.” 

Take a few moments to WORSHIP. Worship gets your attention off of yourself, your problems, your agenda, and your objectives and it focuses your attention and heart on God! 

You might want to sing a worship song that you’ve memorized, or write down the lyrics of one of the new songs we’re singing at a2, or write your own song that expresses your heart for God, or just take a few moments to verbalize your gratitude for who God is and all that He has done! 

Beginning each day with WORSHIP is powerful in terms of setting the compass of your life on TRUE NORTH

3. READ God’s Word and PRAY. 

Every year I choose a Bible Reading Plan to use for that year. It keeps me from becoming one dimensional. It helps me become more aware of the scope of God’s revelation.  

The revelation of GOD is whole and pulls our lives together. 
—Psalm 19:7 MSG

I’m always amazed at how God uses the plan I choose to bring me to just the passage I need for whatever is going on in my life. 

This year I’m using the 5 Day Bible Reading Program by Bible Class Material. I highly recommend it, and have written more about it here

While I use a plan, it is only a tool, the plan isn’t God. So, if I’m reading the assigned passage for that day and God really begins to speak to me in one of the early passages, I lean into that leading… I stay there as long as I need to. I read it from other translations. I turn it into a prayer to God. I lean into the leading of the Holy Spirit. 

Remember, the goal isn’t to “check off every box” in your Bible Reading plan app. 

The goal is to experience God! 
The goal is to meet with Your Heavenly Father.

If you don’t finish the plan for that day, no sweat. The 5 Day Bible Reading Plan has two make-up days built in each week. Save the unfinished passages for those days. 

Remember, when it comes to reading God’s Word, it isn’t the quantity or amount that you read that is critical, it’s the quality of the time you spend with God. After all, just ONE WORD from God can change everything! 

Choose a Bible Reading Plan, but remember, it’s a tool. It isn’t God! 

I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. 
—Psalm 119:11

After you read, PRAY. Tell God about what’s going on in your life. 

Several years ago a friend and myself came up with this definition for prayer 

Prayer is constant communion with God.

Through prayer we: 
  • …come to know God and understand His heart;
  • …align ourselves with God’s purpose and plan for our lives and world; 
  • …access God’s incredible power.


I often use the passages covered in that day’s Bible reading as a guide or outline for my prayer time. This can be powerful! 

Through the Bible, God talks to us. 
Through prayer, we get to talk with God.

Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to 
an isolated place to pray. —Mark 1:35 NLT

4. LISTEN to and WRITE DOWN what the Holy Spirit says. 

There’s a great question to ask yourself when you spend time with God. It’s a good question to ask yourself all throughout the day. 

“Holy Spirit, what are you saying to me?”

At some point, before you wrap up your time with God, just pray that simple prayer. Ask that simple question: “Holy Spirit, what are you saying to me?”

And, then, be still and listen. 

And the LORD came and called as before, “Samuel! Samuel!”
And Samuel replied, “Speak, your servant is listening.” —1 Samuel 3:10

If you sense an impression, receive a leading or get some kind of mental picture, write it down. Write down what you believe the Holy Spirit is saying to you in that moment. Write down any insights you receive while reading God's Word. 

I keep a digital journal of my personal time with God. It gives me a history of the promises and insights God has given me, prayers that I’ve prayed, people I’m praying for and answers I’ve received. 

If you want to spend 15 Minutes That Can Change Your Life, try this plan for your personal time with God. 

Remember, it’s a tool. It isn’t God. If God uses the plan, yay God! If He doesn’t, keep experimenting until you find a plan that works for you!

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