Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A Daily Declaration for Healing

Heavenly Father, I thank You that “You are the Lord my healer.” (Ex 15:26)

And that You have promised that if I would serve and obey You, that You would “…bless and keep me healthy… That You would get rid of the sicknesses among us… That there would be no miscarriages or infertility among us… That You would give me a long, full and complete life…” (Ex 23:25-26)

This is Your Word over my life!

Father, I thank You that You “…sent forth Your Word and healed them and rescued them from the grave.” (Ps 107:20)

This is Your Word over my life!

I thank You that Your Word is “…bringing life and radiant health to my whole body.” (Pro 4:20-22 NLT and NIrv)

This is Your Word over my life!

I thank You that when I “…cry out to you for help, You’ve promised to restore my health.” (Ps 30:2)

This is Your Word over my life!

Father, “…all that I am will praise You! I will never forget the good things You do for me! You forgive all of my sin! You heal all of my diseases.” (Ps 103:2-3)

This is Your Word over my life!

Father, I thank You that You loved me so much that Jesus was willingly and sacrificially  “…wounded for my transgressions. He was crushed for my iniquities. He bore the chastisement that brought my peace, and with His stripes we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)

This is Your Word over my life!

Isaiah was looking towards the finished work of cross when he wrote that promise! Peter, on the other hand, was looking back at the finished work of the cross when He quoted Isaiah and wrote… “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.” (1 Peter 2:24)

Father, I thank You that the cross was enough! The cross is the final word! At the cross my sin was paid for and my sickness was provided for…

In fact, according to Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus “…took our sicknesses and removed our diseases.” (Matthew 8:17)

This is Your Word over my life!

Father, I thank You that Jesus is “…the Sun of Righteousness who has risen with healing in His wings,” and because of that, “I will go free, leaping with joy…” (Malachi 4:2)

Father, I declare that based upon Your Word You are restoring my joy, bringing back my song, leading me into freedom, restoring my health and renewing my life! (Joel 2:25-26; Jer 17:14; 30:17; Isa 61:17; Rom 15:13; Isa 40:31)

This is Your Word over my life!

Father, I thank You that Jesus “…went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the evil one…” (Acts 10:38)

And that “Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Heb 13:8)

Jesus is the revelation of Your heart towards us… He is able to do infinitely more than I can imagine according to His power that is at work in me…
(Heb 1:3; Jn 1:14, 14:9; Eph 3:20-21)

This is Your ‘Word over my life!

Father, You are “…the God who makes everything holy and whole, and You are making me holy and whole… You are putting me together – spirit, soul and body! You are keeping me fit for the coming of the Master.” (1 Thessalonians 5:23)

This is Your Word over my life!

My faith is in You!

My hope is in You!

My trust is in You!

I overcome through the finished work of the cross — the blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of my testimony! (Revelation 12:11)

This is Your Word over my life!

Heavenly Father, I thank You that “…the words You speak will not return to You without producing results. They will do exactly what You sent them to do.” (Isaiah 55:11)

For “…the Word of God is full of living power. It is alive and active…” (Heb 4:12)

This is Your Word over my life!

I thank You that “…no weapon formed against me will succeed and that You will silence every voice raised against me to accuse or condemn me… This is my heritage as a servant of God!” (Isa 54:17)

Today, I declare Your Word, Your purpose, Your plan and Your promise over my life!

I worship You as the sovereign ruler of this Universe!

I thank You that You are my Father and that You always dependable and faithful! (Deut 7:9; Ps 36:5; Ps 119:90; Lam 3:22-23; 2 Thes 3:3)

Father, this is my declaration!

I will hold fast to my confession that Jesus is Lord of all! That He lived the life I could never life, died the death I deserved to die, and was raised victoriously over death, hell, the grave and every foul thing! That You are forever and always faithful to fulfill Your Word and keep Your promises! (Romans 10:9-10; Hebrews 10:23)

This is my declaration!

That because of the work of the cross and Your extravagant and amazing grace, the Spirit of Him who raised Christ from the dead now lives in me and He is giving life to this mortal body! (Romans 8:11)

This is my declaration!

Father, I thank You that You are always working everything in my life together for my ultimate good and Your great glory! (Romans 8:28)

I choose to trust You, honor You and worship You with my life! (Romans 12:1)

This is my declaration! I pray and declare all of this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! (Acts 4:12, 30; 3:6, 12-16; Phil 2:9-11; Jn 14:13; Lk 10:17)

Saturday, February 18, 2017


Self-centeredness is the root of virtually every problem on the planet: personal, marriage, family, business and global problems.

The solution is LOVE. Authentic, unconditional, self-less, SERVANT-HEARTED LOVE.

Want to deal a blow to self-centeredness? Ask yourself: "Who can I serve today (with no expectation of receiving anything in return)?" Then, serve that person joyfully and wholeheartedly.

If enough of us do this...we could change — I could change. You could change. Our marriages and families could change. Our workplace could change. Our churches could change. Our communities could change. With that momentum, maybe we could change the world?

Every day I have to acknowledge my propensity for self-centeredness, and make a willful decision to LOVE and to SERVE. When I choose not to do this, I create a little bit of "hellishness" in my personal world; for, according to C.S. Lewis, one of the primary characteristics of hell will be self-centeredness that is never satisfied.

But when we choose to LOVE and to SERVE? Well, we create a little glimpse of HEAVEN here on earth. 

Today's job? Deal with self-centeredness, and make a decision to LOVE and to SERVE!

We can do this! I can. You can! We can. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me..." (Philippians 4:13)  

Monday, February 6, 2017

LEADERS ARE LEARNERS - Week of February 6, 2017

A weekly digest of some the things I’m learning in hopes that it will help you on your journey. To sign up for the weekly email, simply email me at cgoins@a2church.org

*  *  *  *  *  * 

FIVE QUOTES I’m Thinking About:

“If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself.” —Jim Rohn

“We set to-do goals instead of to-be goals. [For too many of us] success is measured by what we accomplish instead of what we become.” —Jon Gordon, Dan Britton and Jimmy Page, One Word

“So many people will tell you, ‘No!’, and you need to find something you believe in so hard that you just smile and tell them, ‘Watch me!’ Learn to take rejection as motivation to prove people wrong. Be unstoppable. Refuse to give up, no matter what. It’s the best skill you can ever learn.” —Charlotte Eriksson

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” —Francis of Assisi

“Royalty is my identity. Servanthood is my assignment. Intimacy with God is my life source.” —Bill Johnson


Podcast Worth Listening To:

Three weeks ago I featured Part 1 of Andy’s incredible interview with Horst Schulze. If you haven’t listened to Part 1 yet, check it out. On this month’s edition of Andy’s podcast, he wraps up his conversation with Schulze, the Chairman and CEO of Capella Hotel Group. Schulze says that regardless of the industry, your customers and clients have at least three expectations: 1) They want a quality, defect-free product, 2) timeliness, and, 3) caring service.

Listen to Parts 1 and 2 of this insightful interview. You may want to have your team listen to and discuss the interview. Both conversations are “gold.”

By the way, Andy provides excellent Podcast Show Notes that are available hereYou can also listen to the podcast on iTunes.

A Little Extra: You can also listen to an entire talk where Horst describes his approach to “providing exceptional customer service” here 

This conversation is fascinating! John is the CEO and President of Ace Hardware. You may not be aware of it, but every Ace Hardware Store is independently owned. All 4,8000 of them! That means that these owners and operators have to find ways for Ace to competewith big box stores like Home Depot.

John describes what sets Ace apart — their “irrational commitment and pursuit of amazing customer service.”

If you are a small business owner or a person who is looking for ways to distinguish what you do from the much larger entities in your field, listen to this podcast. It was so enlightening for me.

The Entreleadership podcast is available here and on iTunes.

Two Articles Worth Reading:

This article gets to the heart of what makes for a leader worth following.

Carey nails it with this statement: “Even criminals can gain a following. Not all leadership is great leadership.”

So what does “a leader worth following” look like? Check this article out…

Lolly writes, “It’s easy to find lists of all the things that leaders shouldn’t do. Here are the positive steps you can take to build successful leadership.”

Some of my favorites in Lolly’s list:

·      Listen to learn.
·      Speak well of everyone.
·      Know what is and isn’t important.
·      Make character matter.
·      Stay focused on the mission.
·      Lead by example.

Her list is excellent. And, by the way, these steps aren’t just things that “new leaders” should do, these are things that all leaders can do to keep improving and growing their leadership.

Check this article out asap.

Next Lunch and Learn
Save The Date
Thursday, March 23, 11:30 am – 1 pm
a2 Church

Lunch and Learn provides a great lunch at an affordable price, the opportunity to network with other area business leaders, and a learning experience based on the materials produced by the John Maxwell Team by a certified JMT coach!

$10 per participant covers the cost of lunch and the leadership / lecture materials. RSVP by emailing us at cgoins@a2church.org

New MasterMind
INTENTIONAL LIVING: Choosing A Life That Matters
Thursdays, 6:15 am / Launching February 2

The Big Idea: We all have a longing to be significant - to make a contribution, to be a part of something noble and purposeful. Achieving significance isn’t about age, money, status or power. The only thing you really need to achieve significance is intentionality. 

Based on John Maxwell’s best book yet, the Intentional Living MasterMind will help participants discover steps towards building a life, career and legacy that actually matter. Participants will build a plan to make 2017 their best year ever. 

Curriculum: Intentional Living by John Maxwell ($13 per book) and Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath ($18 per book)

IMPORTANT: This MasterMind is already filled. To join a waiting list for the next MasterMind email me at cgoins@a2church.org.

Until next time: 
Keep learning! Keep leading!