Saturday, February 18, 2017


Self-centeredness is the root of virtually every problem on the planet: personal, marriage, family, business and global problems.

The solution is LOVE. Authentic, unconditional, self-less, SERVANT-HEARTED LOVE.

Want to deal a blow to self-centeredness? Ask yourself: "Who can I serve today (with no expectation of receiving anything in return)?" Then, serve that person joyfully and wholeheartedly.

If enough of us do this...we could change — I could change. You could change. Our marriages and families could change. Our workplace could change. Our churches could change. Our communities could change. With that momentum, maybe we could change the world?

Every day I have to acknowledge my propensity for self-centeredness, and make a willful decision to LOVE and to SERVE. When I choose not to do this, I create a little bit of "hellishness" in my personal world; for, according to C.S. Lewis, one of the primary characteristics of hell will be self-centeredness that is never satisfied.

But when we choose to LOVE and to SERVE? Well, we create a little glimpse of HEAVEN here on earth. 

Today's job? Deal with self-centeredness, and make a decision to LOVE and to SERVE!

We can do this! I can. You can! We can. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me..." (Philippians 4:13)  

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