Monday, July 27, 2009

Dear Birmingham: Your past doesn't have to define you...

All of us have pieces of our past we would like to forget... Memories of when we weren't good enough, strong enough, smart enough, spiritual enough...or memories of when we were just down right wrong.

What can you do with all of that pain and regret? What can you do when you've failed not only on a personal level, but on a much more public level?

Chris shares two principles that can help move you towards wholeness in this second video of the Dear Birmingham series...


Nicole said...

Incredible. Wishing I was in Birmingham on Sunday to find out what's next :o)

Micah Andrews said...

great piece of art and an amazing message. Love, love, love it!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much Micah and Nicole for dropping by...

BTW, this week we're premiering our THIRD INSTALLMENT in the DEAR BHM series... Something totally different than the first two... Should be a lot of fun... Hopefully we'll have it up next Sunday, August 9... We'll premiere it in our service on Sunday AM.

Have an incredible week.