Wednesday, November 19, 2008


If you follow this blog, you know that I've recommended messages by Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill in the past. This dude consistently "brings it."

This week I've been listening to a message Mark presented at the 2008 Desiring God National Conference. The message is titled "How Sharp The Edge: Christ, Controversy and Cutting Words."

"Ouch! Wow! Did he really just say that? Oh, God, please forgive me... I need Jesus..." These are just a few of the responses I've had as I've listened to the message.

Warning: you'll probably be offended. This message is not for people who love being "politically correct" or "skirting around the issues." It is "in our face" and often "biting." But it's also important and I think, PROPHETIC.

You can watch the video or download the audio to the message by clicking HERE.

You can read the transcript of the message by clicking HERE.

Here are the main points of Mark's message:

1. Feed the Sheep
2. Rebuke the Swine.
3. Shoot the Wolves.
4. Bark at the Dogs.
5. Pray For The Shepherds.

That's all for now. I need to pray some more... "Ouch."

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