Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Just read this over on Vince Anotucci's blog.

Sometimes you just have to laugh... Enjoy.

The Top Ten Signs You're In Financial Trouble

10 You've asked your boss for an 11 year advance on your salary.
9 When your spouse brings home the pay check, you stick it in your pocket and dance around yelling, "Lordy, Lordy, We're having biscuits tonight!"
8 You're so addicted to gambling, when the collection plate is passed at church you ask, "What kind of odds am I getting?"
7 Your bologna has no first name.
6 The Welfare Department makes you their poster boy.
5 American Express calls and says: “Leave home without it!”
4 Addiction to Kraft Macaroni & Cheese has proven more costly than you first imagined.
3 The bank you chose is so broke that when you deposit $20 the bank tellers high-five each other.
2 In your tax return, you write off purchase of Tito Jackson albums as charitable donations.
1 Sally Struthers sends you food.

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