Friday, January 18, 2008


In Psalm 18:36 David said, “You have made a wide path for my feet to keep them from slipping.”

What an incredible promise! Do you ever find yourself living life so cautiously, almost overwhelmed with fear and anxiety, because the slightest misstep will cause you to blow it BIG TIME and miss out on God’s purpose and plan for your life. I have to confess, I find myself reverting to this kind of mentality on a pretty regular basis…

Here’s the problem. This kind of mentality squelches creativity. It keeps you from living courageously. It will cause you to avoid taking a risk and maybe doing something great.

What would change about the way you live your life if you began to believe, “God has prepared a WIDE PATH for my feet to keep me from slipping?”

There’s a whole lot of difference between walking on a tight rope and walking on a"four lane SUPER HIGHWAY"… If you feel like God’s will is like a tight rope, you’re going to be tentative, probably even anxious or fearful… But if you believe God’s will is a “wide path” and that God’s desire is to “keep you from slipping,” well, you just might take a step of faith and do something for God that blows your mind…

I’m ready to get off the tight rope… God has prepared a “WIDE PATH” for me… I really believe "LIFE is a HIGHWAY." And in the words of Steven Tyler, Aerosmith and Run D.M.C. it’s time to “Walk This Way.”

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