Tuesday, June 17, 2008


We’re so excited about the breakthroughs we recently had related to a “worship space”...just as we were heading out of town and even during our time away. God has an incredible sense of humor and “timing.” It was amazing how most of “the action” on the meeting space really started just as we were heading out of town and could only stand back and “watch.” Yea, God!

Here’s the update:

* All of the “anchor stores” in Vestavia City Center have signed off on the a2 launch site.

* AIG Baker (the Realty Company that manages Vestavia City Center) presented a2 with a lease agreement on Friday, June 13.

* We’ve asked a lawyer friend to examine the lease to make certain that the interests of a2 are being protected.

* I’ll be communicating with a2’s Initial Board of Directors later this week to present the lease, along with additional options.

* If changes or “tweaks” are recommended by our lawyer and board regarding the lease, those changes or “tweaks” will be presented to AIG Baker.

* I spent time yesterday with an individual who develops and designs site plans. We walked the proposed worship space and launch site and dreamed about the possibilities that exist. They are working on a site plan and recommending space allotment.

* Ultimately, if things continue to move forward in a positive direction, we will begin interior physical improvements to the facility ASAP, moving towards our ultimate August 17 launch date.

* Your HELP will be essential. In order to lower cost, we’ll be doing as much as possible with the gifts, talents, abilities, energy and involvement of the people who feel called to be a part of our “launch team” or just want to “lend a hand.” If you’re not scared of sweat, hard work and laughing until you almost cry, get ready for some great times, hard work and incredible fun... We’ll keep you posted...

THIS SUNDAY, June 22, 5:30 p.m.
Vestavia City Center
600 Montgomery Highway, Suite 208
Vestavia, AL
Proposed a2 Launch Site

We had previously announced a “preview service” for this Sunday AM, June 22... Due to the lengthy process related to securing a meeting space for a2, this Sunday, June 22 we will hold our 2nd LAUNCH TEAM MEETING at 5:30. The meeting will take place at the Worship Center and Launch Site for a2 Church.

You’ll get your “first glimpse” of the worship center. I want you to see the physical space “as is.” The interior is a “mess.” I’m being kind... It’s an absolute “mess.” But every time I walk through this space, my heart beats fast as I think about the possibilities...

This Sunday we’ll gather for a time of prayer; dreaming about the possibilities; planning for ministries like Children’s Ministry, Hospitality, Guest Services, Worship, etc.; and hopefully some inspiration...

This meeting will be incredibly IMPORTANT! I hope that you’ll make plans to attend.

PS: Because of our meeting location, we will NOT provide CHILD CARE for this week’s Launch Team Meeting. Children are welcome to attend. In fact, it could be exciting for some elementary children, middle school and high school students. But because this space is very “raw” and unkempt, presently it’s not a suitable place for preschool children to play... Parents, you’ll need to make your own call on this one...

After our meeting, we’ll walk down to Panera Bread, Moe’s or Starbucks for dinner and / or coffee...

By the way, for those of you who are partnering with a2 financially, you can continue to mail your contributions to the following address:

a2 Church
PO Box 661556
Birmingham, AL 35266

Thanks SO MUCH for your faithfulness to God and partnership with a2 Church.

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