Monday, June 30, 2008

David Platt

Yesterday me and the girls took in a service at Brookhills Church in Birmingham, Alabama. David Platt is the Senior Pastor. He's only 29 years old. You read that right. He's ONLY 29!

But if you think age matters, you need to hear this guy speak. God has gifted this young man with the voice of a prophet. Yesterday he concluded a series titled: "attachment: The Gospel and our Families" with a message on one of the most difficult subjects any pastor can tackle, "The Gospel and Homosexuality."

Here are a few thoughts about David's message.

* He spoke with humility and compassion, aware that countless families have been touched by this very issue.

* His message was intellectually informed. His research was thorough and excellent.

* His message was powerful and prophetic. I left the service feeling as if I had just heard a "prophetic word" from one of God's servant's. His message went beyond pointing out someone's sin "out there," and dealt with the sin in my own heart.

* His message pointed me back to Jesus.

* His message pointed me back to the gospel.

* His message reminded me that all sin usually involves some kind of problem in the area of my worship.

If you've never heard David speak, I encourage you to check him out. Downloads of his messages are available on the Brookhills website.

1 comment:

jeremyself said...

man. i'm about 3/4's thru this message and it is definitely very good! i'm challenged and deeply convicted by God's spirit to evaluate my own worship and beliefs. glad you shared this on your blog.