Saturday, March 29, 2008


I just listened to one of the best messages I've ever heard on the subject of preaching and the church. The message is by Mark Driscoll. Mark is the pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle. He's also one of the founders of the Acts 29 Network and a key player in a movement called The Resurregence.

Mark is reformed in his theology, but also embraces the gifts of the Spirit. He calls himself "charismatic with a seat belt."

While I don't always agree with everything Mark says, I thoroughly enjoyed and highly recommend his book:

Confessions of a Reformission Rev

I just ordered his new book off Amazon: Vintage Jesus. Travis Johnson told me this is one of the best books he has read.

Mark is opinionated, fiery, passionate, God-centered, Jesus focused, biblically grounded and usually controversial. He reminds me a little of what Paul must have been like.

Click here and scroll down the page until you see the message Putting Pastors In Their Place 2/25/08. You can stream the audio over your computer or down load the message to I-tunes or your computer and put it on your MP3 player.

This message will be well worth the investment of your time, especially if you're passionate about the church.

After listening, let me know what you think...

1 comment:

Dunedin said...

Being a forty something individual, I am amazed how we as Christians try to use tools of the world to reach the unsaved. As Christians trying to reach people to the Lord, trying to show them that "yes there is something more." We are trying to half way fit in with their lifestyles, theology, or philosphies on life. We uphold entertainers such as Led Zeppelin, Lenny Kravitz both know for extensive drug use , promiscuity, and no desire to reach anyone to God. We encourage others to see movies that blatantly disagree with what the Bible has to say on the Christian life. My question is that as we as Christians so embarrassed or desperate in our faith that we need to "fit in " with the unsaved? Do we feel like that only way we can make a case for the Christian life, "the purpose driven life" is to cushion a Godly walk? If the Bible says, "We are not of this world" than why are trying so desperately to fit in? I have been a Christian for 30 years, and grace is plastered all over my life. There are some things that are quite obvious God is not pleased with. Don't you feel that the music we listen to, movies we watch, television shows we enjoy, company we keep can be detrimental in leading unsaved person to Christ?