Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Ouch! Craig Groeshel had this post over at Swerve.

At Catalyst 07, Craig delivered a message that was powerful and prophetic. This post reminded me of the power of that message.

Good stuff. A thought provoking word. I need it.

Signs of a Lukewarm Pastor
Craig Groeshel

In ministry, I’ve had seasons of full blown passion for Christ and His Kingdom. At other times, my passion leaked and I was spiritually empty. Here are a few signs you might be a lukewarm pastor from my own life and experiences helping other pastors.

A lukewarm pastor:

* Prays as much, or more, publicly than privately.
* Is almost exclusively dependent on others’ sermons to preach than directly hearing from God.
* Cares more about his church than The Church.
* Preaches about evangelism but doesn’t practice evangelism privately.
* Tolerates and rationalizes unconfessed sin.
* Preaches for the approval of people rather than the approval of God.
* Is overly sensitive to criticism.
* Harbors bitterness and unforgiveness.
* Reads the Bible to prepare sermons but not for personal devotion to God.
* Is jealous or critical of someone else that God is blessing.

What am I forgetting? Do you see any of this in yourself?


Thanks, Craig for an important word and a needed reminder.

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