Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Wow! Words can't begin to describe the emotions pounding in my chest. I just finished watching Steven Furtick, Lead Pastor of Elevation Church conduct a very candid interview with Ted and Gayle Haggard.

The video is about 40 minutes long... I encourage you to watch it... I'll warn you - it won't be easy... It's tough... It's painful... It's gut wrenching. But I think it's important.

This Sunday I'll be talking about grace - the grace David experienced on the heels of a colossal personal failure and lapse into sin... Watching this interview gave me a very current example of what sin can do and the grace that God provides...

By the way, if you're looking for a hero. I don't know that you'll find a more graceful hero than Gayle Haggard... At times during this interview, the grace she exhibited moved me to tears...

Here's the link... Watch it. Feel free to let me know what you think. Or, maybe you need to watch and just spend some time in prayer and reflection.

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