Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Last week I included a post on this blog titled: GOD IS GOOD. Well, today let me add, "God is good. Really good. Amazingly, extravagantly, incredibly GOOD!"

This week we had a BREAKTHROUGH of SEISMIC PROPORTIONS on the "build out" of our worship space for a2.

Here's the miracle: The "build out" on the a2 Launch Site is being underwritten through the generosity and assistance of an a2 partner... You may want to read that line again... SLOWLY... Yeah, I am still speechless!

John Hudson of Dungan Nequette Architects is in the process of drawing up the necessary plans that will bring us into code compliance. Once the plans are completed, we will apply for the necessary permits and the "build out" will begin. You can be sure, we'll update you regarding upcoming WORKDAYS.

Due to all that's involved in this kind of "build out," our first services will not be held at the a2 site. This week we are working on securing a temporary space for worship until the "build out" is complete. a2 will still LAUNCH on August 17. Mark that date down. But we will LAUNCH in a temporary space while the construction is being completed on the site at Vestavia City Center.

I continue to be blown away by God's incredible faithfulness. Yesterday my day started with me staring at a mountain of construction costs estimated at $75,000.00. By the end of the day, that mountain had literally been "cast into the sea." Child's play for our GREAT GOD!

Last evening, I sat down and stared at the costs behind all the equipment needed to make a2 possible. Stuff like:

Sound, Lighting and Video
Nursery Equipment
Children's Ministry Equipment
Chairs / Seating
Office Furniture and Equipment
Telephone System

All in all, we've been told that this equipment will probably cost us somewhere in the neighborhood of $100,000.00. Oh, yeah... You read that right. That's a HUGE NUMBER!

But after seeing our GREAT GOD come through in such a HUGE WAY related to our construction costs, I'm looking forward to seeing what He does with this mountain. To our great God, it's nothing but a simple mole hill!

Yesterday during my devotional time, I read an incredible story about a time in the history of the people of God when they desperately needed a breakthrough. Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah had entered into an alliance with Joram, the king of Israel and the "no name" King of Edom, to attack a group of outlaws and renegades in Moab.

The battle plan for this alliance put these three armies in the desert for seven days without a drop of WATER. Joram, the king of Israel was ready to give in, give out and give up. He was certain they were all about to bite the dust - literally; when Jehoshaphat asked, "Isn't there a prophet of God anywhere around we can talk to?"

Enter the prophet Elisha. Elisha was pretty ticked at Joram, the king of Israel, as well as the "no name" King of Edom. In fact, he said, "...if it weren't for the respect I have for Jehoshaphat king of Judah, I wouldn't give either of you the time of day."

Then God's power came upon Elisha and this was God's Word to a group of imperfect people.

2 Kings 3:16-18 (NLT), ...he said, "This is what the LORD says: This dry valley will be filled with pools of water! 17 You will see neither wind nor rain, says the LORD, but this valley will be filled with water. You will have plenty for yourselves and for your cattle and your other animals. 18 But this is only a simple thing for the LORD, for he will make you victorious over the army of Moab!"

And true to His Word, that's exactly what God did! He provided a HUGE, GOD-SIZED MIRACLE!

Yesterday morning during my devotional time, as I read this story and thought about all that will be required to launch a2, I felt as if God reminded me of this realtiy: "Chris, this is only a SIMPLE THING for the LORD, I will make a2 victorious..."

Before the end of the day, that's exactly what God did!

Oh, I know. It's only one miracle. But it's a HUMONGOUS MIRACLE! (Yes, that's a word...)

And guess what? If God did it on the "build out," HE CAN DO IT when it comes to nursery equipment, telephones, sound equipment, the works. "This is only a SIMPLE THING for the Lord."

Yesterday I got a glimpse of just how SIMPLE!!! YEAH, GOD! Stay tuned for the next update in the story of God's activity at a2...


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