Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Here are just a few thoughts on each book:

A Contrarian's Guide to Knowing God: Spirituality for the Rest of Us by Larry Osborne

This is an excellent, easy to read book that doesn't stoop to a "one size fits all" approach or neat little formula when it comes to growing in your relationship with Jesus.

Sometimes the book will make you cringe. Sometimes it will make you laugh. Sometimes it will cause you to say, "Oh, now I see..." Sometimes it will cause you to sit up right and say, "What? What has this guy been smoking?" Regardless of your reaction, the book does what great books are supposed to do: make you stop and think and hopefully take some kind of action.

My review: I recommend it. Two thumbs up.

The Shack by William Young

A work of fiction that contains the sometimes touching story of a father struggling with the loss of his youngest child. The father's name is Mack, and he receives a mysterious note inviting him to meet with God at "The Shack," the place his youngest daughter was likely murdered. While at "the shack" this Dad has a supernatural encounter with the members of the Trinity.

Several people have found this book to be touching and meaningful to them in their walk with God and understanding of the Trinity. Some of my friends rave about this book. I'm really glad they found it helpful.

Unfortunately, while the story is sometimes touching, it's important to remember that this is a work of FICTION. As theology, it has some flaws...

Personally, I thought the book was okay... If you're going to read it, read it as a work of fiction. If you're looking for theology best to look somewhere else...

My review: So-So. Not bad. Not great. Just so-so.

Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction by David Sheff

This book is difficult to read. It is NOT a "Christian" book. In fact, David Sheff is not a believer at all. He begins the book as an avowed atheist. But one of the things I found interesting as I read this book is that as this father struggles to make sense of his son's addiction, he finds himself crying out to a God he doesn't even believe in...

Please be aware. This book contains some very strong language. It also contains some disturbing images of the pain and devastation of addiction. It's also somewhat depressing, as you read about a young man's demise. But I also found this book helpful in understanding the cycle and problem of addiction.

While I recommend the book, I do so with reservations. This book will challenge, anger and probably sadden you. But for me, it also gave me an increased burden for those who struggle with addiction and need the freedom that only Jesus can bring.

My review: Recommended with reservations...

What are you reading this summer? Anything that's really speaking to you? Would love to hear your recommendations.


Unknown said...

I've been reading the Beautiful Boy book as well and personally enjoying it. You're right that it's a tougher read, but it's a look into addiction that you typically don't get to see....very honest and real.

I'm also reading In a Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day by Mark Batterson. So far it's a a good read and very "right now" for where I'm at personally. You might find some value in it right now considering the a2c launch and the challenges you're up against with that. Hope you're well!

Chris Goins said...

Thanks for the recommendation, Brent. I agree, Batterson's book is excellent and important info for the journey. I read the book about a year ago, but thanks for bringing it back to mind. I'll pull it out. I remember how encouraging and inspiring it was when I first read it.

Great to hear from you. Thanks for dropping by.

Shannon Johnson said...

I also read The Shack and loved it. Def fiction - but if you are sound in your faith, a fresh look at God. Like the holy spirit being all around.... Jesus walking with Mac on the water...those were a few things that I really appreciated in the book.

Kevin and I read UnChristian last month and felt EVERY page. Would love to know if you read that one too and how you would rate that one.

Right now, reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan. All i can say is....Wow!!!

Chris Goins said...


Thanks for dropping by... I have picked up "Unchristian" but haven't had a chance to read it yet. Janet is reading the Francis Chan book and loving it.

I'll try to knock out "Unchristian" and post an update in the coming days.

I'll also try to get Janet to do a guest blog on what she thought about "Crazy Love."

Again, thanks.


Abigail said...

I also read "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan and I thought it was fabulous! I found it to be very challenging, which is what I needed.

Chris Goins said...

Evidently, "Crazy Love" needs to move to the top of my "must read" list. Thanks for the "heads up" Abigail and Shannon.