Thursday, July 3, 2008


Read this post by Dan Kimball today and it made be smile, but it also made be a little sad.

It probably started when Miriam did the "tambourine dance." It's probably been going on for a few centuries. But it continues to amaze and sadden me. We spend a lot of time and energy, arguing over stuff that doesn't really matter, while the issues that DO MATTER and the MISSION OF JESUS often go unattended to.

I'm not certain these quotes can be substantiated, but they sure sound like a lot of the churches I've been involved with for the last few decades...

Check out Dan's post here and let me know what you think.


renee9268 said...

Wow, we are just so fickle -- can't make us humans happy. I wonder what they would have thought if they've been at the Eddie James service last night.... ;-)

Chris Goins said...

All of us probably struggle with these "blind spots" in one area or another. Our best hope is to attempt to walk in line with the God's Word - not adding or taking away from His Word, simply obeying.

Thanks for dropping by.