Monday, August 18, 2008


Think Christian posted a fascinating talk by Sir Ken Robinson on Creativity in Education. So much of what Robinson says resonates with me and some of the ways that even the church stifles creativity. You can check out the 20 minute video clip HERE.

The story about Gillian Lynne is one that parents, leaders and educators need to take to heart.

I believe God is the author of creativity and that the Holy Spirit longs to inspire amazingly creative gifts in the lives of men, women, boys and girls. One of my big prayers is that a2 Church will be a church that celebrates creativity and the arts... That we'll create a culture that inspires people to honor God with their unique giftedness - whatever that may be...

Check out Robinson's entire talk and tell me what you think... How can the church recapture a passion for creativity and the arts? How can you champion the gifts of your children in a way that inspires them to lean into their giftedness?

While this discussion doesn't always demand top shelf priority in our thinking, it is something for those of us who long to glorify God with the arts, inspire our children to be all that God has created them to be, and unleash the gift of creativity in the church to think about...

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