Wednesday, August 20, 2008


In 1989 or 1990 I was introduced to the ministry of Bill Hybels. In fact, me and Janet had the opportunity to spend a week a Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois. That week transformed my life. It fundamentally altered the way I view ministry.

Over the years, I've listened to Hybels teach numerous times, attended Willow Creek Seminars, read books, etc. I've come to believe that Bill Hybels may be one of the most gifted, insightful leaders of our time. Period.

In the opening lecture at Willow's 2008 Leaderhip Summit Hybels talked about "The High Drama of Decision Making."

Here are some excerpts, thanks to Dave Ferguson.

The High Drama of Decision Making
Bill Hybels

The biggest part of leadership is making decisions. Many of us get to participate in life-saving decisions on a regular basis. How a leader makes decisions is critical. There is a clear path for making decisions by asking these questions:

QUESTION #1: "What does the Bible say about this decision?" The authority of God's word has the first say about any decision we make big or small.

QUESTION #2: "What would smart advisers tell me about this decision?" There are people that God has intentionally put around you to help you make critical decisions. There are things they know that you do not know...rely on them!

QUESTION #3: "What have you learned from the pain of past decisions?" Leaders should be adding to their learnings year after year. Journaling is a discipline that allows you to chronicle the positive and painful decisions of the past and empowers you to repeat them or not repeat them.

QUESTION #4: "Is the Spirit of God prompting me?" Romans 8:6 says, "The mind of sinful man's death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace." When you are in step with the Spirit it will bring life and peace.

So, what decisions are you faced with today? Have you processed that decision through the grid of these four questions? If so, are you ready and willing to take action?

Some important stuff to think about.

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