Friday, January 9, 2009


In approximately two hours, me and Janet will complete our 6th day on this 21 Day Adventure of Prayer and Fasting.

I've been amazed at how much of our life revolves around eating. Some of this is good. After all, it was Paul who said that it's God who "richly provides us with everything to enjoy." (1 Timothy 6:17)

Some of its not so good. Sometimes we just eat to be eating. Sometimes we eat out of habit. Sometimes eating becomes a form of idolatry - something we do to attempt to alleviate some longing, hurt, pain, feeling of inadequacy, etc. that will only be healed or "filled" by God.

Over the past six days I've noticed several things.

First of all, I've noticed how much stinking money we spend on food. A lot! Yeah, I know we've got to eat, but I'm starting to understand what Paul meant when he described a group of people by saying, "their God is their stomach" (Philippians 3:19).

Second, I've noticed how undisciplined I can be in regards to food. I love to it! I absolutely love it! I love pizza. I love hamburgers. (I'm not kidding. These are two of my favorite foods. If you want to take me somewhere to eat, I'll take Five Guys or Tortuga's any day. Actually, the best burger in town is at Ted's... But I digress...)

But over the last six days, I've noticed how often I rationalize bad choices in regards to food, ignoring what Paul said when he wrote "You realize, don’t you, that you are the temple of God, and God himself is present in you? 17 No one will get by with vandalizing God’s temple, you can be sure of that. God’s temple is sacred—and you, remember, are the temple." (1 Corinthians 3:16-17 MSG)

Ouch! Over the past six days I've become aware of how often I "vandalize God's temple" by eating high fat, cholesterol rich, sugar filled junk. Don't get me wrong! I'm still going to enjoy the occasional hamburger. I will remain a loyal Tortuga's fan. I don't want to get legalistic and I'm not willing to sign of for Jillian Michael's bootcamp. But more often than not, I want and need to make wise choices that honor "the temple of God" - nuts, fruits, veggies. You get the picture!

Third, I've also become aware of how satisfied, complacent and comfortable I am in terms of my relationship with God.

Truth is I would a whole lot rather eat than pray. I would a whole lot rather have a hamburger than spend an extended period of time in personal, private - me and God only - worship.

The discipline of fasting reminds me of the passion of guys like Job who said, "I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food." (Job 23:12)

Or Jesus. Remember this story? "...the disciples were urging Jesus to eat. 32“No,” he said, “I have food you don’t know about.” 33 “Who brought it to him?” the disciples asked each other. 34 Then Jesus explained: “My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work."

Earlier this week, my friend Jeremy Self wrote something to the effect, "whenever you feel a hunger pain, let it be a reminder to pray, 'God, I'm hungry for you and for your Word.'"

I hate to admit it, but too often, I take on the characteristics of the group Malachi wrote to. I get comfortable, lethargic, disinterested and even, bored with God (See Malachi 1-1). Somehow, fasting reminds me that God satisfies me like nothing else ever could.

That's just some of the stuff I'm thinking about as we approach the completion of Day 6.

What are you learning? What is God teaching you?

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